
DBYTF Students Win the USTA National Essay Contest!

DBYTF USTA National Essay Contest Winners

The USTA Essay Question:

“Everyone measures success differently. How do you strive for success in terms of your character development, education, or tennis?”

USTA Foundation’s, National Essay Contest received over 3,000 entries. Our two winners were recognized by the USTA Florida Section Committee and participated in a virtual awards ceremony on November 4th.

As a four year member of DBYTF, Evelyn has been a role model for our younger children. We are proud of her accomplishments in the classroom and on the court.

DBYTF USTA National Essay Contest Winners

This is Evelyn’s winning essay:

Success is working hard while making mistakes. For the past 4 years I have been playing a sport that has had an impact on my character development, education and tennis skills on the court. To be successful means that you have to work hard, set goals for yourself to achieve, and have no fear.

Tennis has helped me be successful in my education. You can be successful when you are able to learn to speak English when it is not your first language through the tutoring and the mentorship program of the Delray Beach Youth Tennis Foundation. You apply the skills you learn on the court like studying your opponents and reading literature and biographies of professional tennis players. These skills prepare you for success in school when you must study literature, write reports and remain focused on your studies. Achieving better grades in reading and writing are key components of being successful in school.

Being successful requires teamwork, being able to play fair and respect the other players around you. Believing in yourself requires discipline and understanding that making mistakes and not always being a winner is okay. Being honest on and off the court establishes integrity and I want people to look up to me with respect and not one who cheats and is dishonest. I want to be able to show what a good role model looks like so that, should I become famous I can show kids like me that they can accomplish their dreams too. These things help me be successful in my character development.

To be successful in tennis takes courage. In tennis, success happens when you are able to listen to your coaches, study and understand the game, learn from your mistakes and your opponent. You also learn how to play as a team because you have to depend on your teammates and your coaches to guide you.

In conclusion, success is working hard on your education, developing my character and playing sports like tennis. I measure success by believing in myself, working hard and never giving up.

DBYTF USTA National Essay Contest Winners

Rebecca started three years ago having never played tennis before and now she is ready to enter local USTA tournaments. She hopes to go to medical school and become a pediatrician. 

This is Rebecca’s winning essay:

Being successful could be hard work, but having success is not always easy for me. Success to me is pushing myself to the next level in character development, education, and tennis. My goal is to learn, focus, try my best and never give up on being the best I can be.

Character Development

Character development is who you are and your personality. Setting goals and achieving them is a part of developing this. Being active, calm and kindhearted are skills that I am working on being successful at. I can ask a lot of questions about what I am learning in school or playing on the court and use what I have learned to earn success.

My Education

My goals are to be successful in school. How do I do this? My success in education is getting good grades in school on my report cards. I need to take my studies seriously by not joking around in school. My studies are important to me, so I need to ask questions when I do not understand a problem and seek help when I do not know something. I feel successful when I understand the problem and I get good grades. So I can become whatever I want to become.


The success in tennis is all about being a good sports player, focusing on things you can improve on such as your swing. This helps you to focus better on a skill and learn a lesson so that you can win each time. Whether you are playing a singles or doubles match, part of playing on a tennis team, being good at it, and winning, is success to me. I would like to become an advanced tennis player which requires a lot of focus, practice, and dedication to the sport.

Being successful is very important to me. This is why, I work hard and practice everyday in school and the court to be the best me I can be.

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